Monday, November 26, 2012

Lecture quote

"... and we'll go over and hijack the BA lab so we have 20 extra machines for render..." Because we're Masters, bitches.

"Take breaks! Socialize! Have personal lives! This is not a job, guys! Oh and here's 2 essays to think about over the break, project, and practices for this program. k bye relax and have fun!" AHAHAHAHA. O_O#. Need: Haste spell on self, Slow Time on rest of world, or 30 hr/Day. Failing all, need Pheonix Down/stimpak/medi-gel.

[edit] I noticed there are fellow classmates who come not too early before class, and leaves at a reasonable hour at night (7, 8pm), do their work quietly in their spot without walking around much, and get distinction marks. So it's possible. Task and time management. But I won't do what they do, because it's not that relaxing for me in my flat. Too much noise. I'll keep staying late night in the studio.

Finished handing in pre production report. That was a report on research, character sheet, time allocation planning chart, color and light design, storyboard, etc. Took surprisingly long. Also because I spent some time playing Skyrim this week, which I now realize need to be skimmed down or I'll suffer very soon.

Yesterday one of our main lecturer told us what's up there, and we were all pretty much in disbelieve. Probably especially for the ones like me who has no prior experience with 3D and/or animation whatsoever. It just feel so overwhelming from all the lectures the things we need to look at, practice, explore. We might be able to grab a drink on campus with people in our own class, but going out to socialize with other, equally busy, media department, is another big extra effort. At least for me, who don't actually like socializing or talking a lot to begin with. It's like I have to become masters in our trades, smooth politicians, and inventive theorists all together at the same time, in 1 year. I have to enjoy the training and acting, and not do the thing I actually enjoy, to be enjoyable. ...?

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